Collection: ISSE chains
All models of ISSE chains for your car.
Isse Tribologic covers have a high degree of efficiency in snow or ice situations.
This fact is confirmed by the experience of hundreds of thousands of drivers who have been using them all over the world for 7 years with fully satisfactory results.
Due to their reduced thickness, compared to metal chains, they allow their placement even on vehicles with a very small distance between the tire and the wheel arch.
On the other hand, its effectiveness is guaranteed by the TÜV certification, by the technical report issued by the Leitat laboratory, by different practical tests carried out, one of which can be seen in one of the videos and by the result of the test carried out by the specialized magazine Motor 16 , which gave it an efficiency rating of 4 out of 5 stars, being the best rating among all the metal and textile chains analyzed.
If you don't know the size you need, use our size finder:
ISSE TRIBOLOGIC chains, due to their exceptional qualities, are one of the best solutions for driving on ice and snow.
To obtain maximum guaranteed performance and resistance, it is absolutely necessary to respect the following elementary precautions:
1. Choose the appropriate size for the vehicle's wheels.
2. Choose the quality suitable for the type of intended use.
3. Do not exceed 40 km/h.
4. Do not drive off roads with asphalt in good condition.
5. Drive smoothly, without accelerating, braking or sudden turns.
6. Remove the chains as soon as the ice or snow finally ends.
- Optimal for cars, vans, trucks and 4x4.
- For sporadic or emergency use on asphalt with ice and snow.
- Maximum speed while driving: 40 km/h.
- They should be removed when driving on pavement without snow or ice.
- Do not drive off paved roads.
- For your safety, avoid using illegal copies.
- Very easy to Place.
- They do not cause damage to the tire.
- They do not cause vibrations or constant noise in the steering or in the tires.
- They take up little space in the trunk.
- There are five sizes for almost all tires.

- Regular price
- €58,00
- Sale price
- €34,95